Don't Miss Out on 7 Life-Changing Bible Study Series Planned for 2024

At RSL Ministries, we believe that all relationships require decisive actions rather than mere feelings for them to deepen and mature. This principle holds true not only for our earthly connections but also for our relationship with God. To help you make decisions that align with your commitment to serve and obey God, we are delighted to present the 2024 Bible Study Package.

Unlock the Power of Decisions - Enhance Your Relationship with God

This exclusive package is designed to help you embark on a transformative journey of faith and personal growth. Each of the 7 Bible Study series planned for 2024 will explore the theme of "Decisions" - delving into how the choices we make affect our spiritual journey. 

Our 2024 Bible Study series are

1/22-2/12 (4 weeks)            TO GROW OR NOT TO GROW       

Growth requires movement. As we begin the new year, let us consider whether we need to move on, move out, and/or move up.

2/26-3/25 (5 weeks, Lent)   LET IT GO

Relationships are strengthened not only by what we do, but also by what we cease doing.  During the Lent season, let us consider what we need to release in order to strengthen our relationship with God and others.

4/8-5/20 (7 weeks)               FOLLOW

We are all following someone or something.  Let us consider how we might better follow God.

6/10-24 (3 weeks)                BE HAPPY

Much of our happiness lies within us.  In our 3-week study of Psalm 1, we will explore what the Psalmist says about happiness.

9/9-10/7 (5 weeks)               PRAY

Prayer is a decision. There will never be a convenient time, just a committed time.  In this 5-week study, we will focus on prevailing in prayer.

10/21-11/11 (4 weeks)        FIGHT

Giants are a fact of life. Like David, we sometimes have to fight ours.

12/2-23 (4 weeks, Advent)  WAIT

Advent is the season of waiting and expectation. It is hard to wait when we feel hidden. This study is designed to help us deal with the hidden seasons of life.

Never Miss a Lesson - We Update Your Package as the Lessons Are Taught

With the purchase of the 2024 Bible Study Package, you will have access to high-quality recordings of our live lessons as well as downloadable lesson handouts. Even if you can't attend a study session in person, you can still actively engage with the material at your convenience. We update your packages as the lessons are taught, ensuring that you stay up to date with the latest insights and teachings.

Your 2024 Bible Study Package includes...

  • Automatic registration for all live Bible Study lessons

  • Video lessons for all 2024 Bible Study lessons

  • Handouts for all 2024 Bible Study lessons

Exclusive Membership Benefits - Be Part of Our Community

As a member of the 2024 Bible Study Package, you will enjoy exclusive benefits.

  • Summer Reading and Reflection Plan - Deep Dive into God's Word

    A specially curated summer reading and reflection plan for July and August. Immerse yourself in the Scriptures and reflect on their divine wisdom.

  • Special Packages and Promotions

    Get discounted rates on special offerings and be the first to receive updates on new releases, ensuring you never miss out on meaningful resources for your spiritual journey.

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