Faith Faces Forward
BundleThe issue is not a lack of faith, but whether that confidence rests in God. Now is the time to face forward, so we can move forward in faith. 6 lesson series added weekly until completed.
The Anointing
BundleLESSONS ADDED WEEKLY. This series provides a scriptural understanding of the anointing. Then, we will examine the anointing of Jehu (II Kings 9:1-13) to highlight some key insights about the anointing.
The Themes of Advent
BundleAdvent also marks the beginning of the Christian new year. Let's explore its themes so that we can prepare our hearts and mind to enter the new year with an attitude of expectation.
What's Love Got to Do with It? Lent Series 2023
Bundle7 Week Series What's love got to do with it? For the the Christian, the answer is EVERYTHING! During this Lenten season, we will do a deep dive into what the Bible says about love. Lessons added weekly.
Journey with Jesus (Lent 2022) Entire Series
Bundle7 lessons that focus on select miracle stories in Mark's Gospel that teach us who Jesus is and what following him looks like. Let's re-examine our discipleship to make sure that we still on this journey WITH JESUS!
Advent 2021 Series
BundleThis 4 week series will explore the Advent stories in Luke 1 and Matthew 1 around the themes of Expectation, Preparation, Trepidation, and Celebration. Lessons will be added as completed.